C programming is a popular computer programming language which is widely used for system and application software. Despite being fairly old programming language, C programming is widely used because of its efficiency and control. This tutorial is intended for beginners who does not have any prior knowledge or have very little knowledge of computer programming. All basic features of C programming language are included in detail with explanation and output to give you solid platform to understand C programming.

Getting Started With C..

In order to run a C program, you need a compiler. Compiler change source code(code written by programmer) to object code(code that computer understands) and creates executable file. There are many free and professional compilers available. For the sake of this course, GNU GCC compiler is used. All the examples in this course are tested and verified in GNU GCC compiler.

C Tutorial Topics

C Introduction

  • C Keywords and Identifier
  • C Variables and Constants
  • C Programming Data Types
  • C Input/Output
  • C Programming Operators
  • C Introduction Examples

Decision and Loops

  • C Programming if...else
  • C Programming for Loops
  • C do...while Loops
  • C break and continue
  • C switch...case Statement
  • C Programming goto
  • Decision & Loop Examples

C Functions

  • C Functions Introduction
  • C User-defined Functions
  • C Function Types
  • C Programming recursion
  • C Storage Class
  • C Function Examples

Arrays and Strings

  • C Arrays Introduction
  • C Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • C Arrays & Functions
  • C Programming Strings
  • C String Functions
  • C Arrays Examples
  • C String Examples

C Pointers

  • C Pointers Introduction
  • C Pointers And Arrays
  • C Pointers And Functions
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • C Pointer Examples

Structure & Union

  • C Structure Introduction
  • C Structures and Pointers
  • C Structure and Function
  • C Programming Unions
  • C Structure Examples

C Files I/O

  • C Files Input/Output
  • C Files Examples

Additional Tutorials

  • C Enumeration
  • C Preprocessors
  • C Library Functions
  • C Programming Examples

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